In the Presbyterian Church the Minister and other Elders, collectively called the Kirk Session, are responsible for the spiritual health of the congregation, while the members of Committee look after the practical day to day matters. Being the Teaching Elder, the Minister is responsible for the preaching and teaching of the Word of God from the pulpit.
Our Minister is Rev. Jimmy Warburton. Born in 1985, Jimmy was brought up in Whitehead and attended Whitehead Presbyterian Church. He served there as an elder, whilst being heavily involved in youth work there. Educated in Carrickfergus Grammar School, he subsequently studied Mathematics at Queen’s University Belfast, after which he trained as an accountant.

Minister – Jimmy Warburton (centre)
Outside of education, Jimmy’s interests include football and golf, and he is always keen for a strategic board game. He loves watching films and spending time with family and friends. And he is a pretty big Manchester United fan.
From early on, Jimmy developed a real appetite for serving in the local church, but felt the ordained ministry was perhaps something for the future. However, the Lord intervened and opened doors for him to apply for ordained ministry in PCI and he began his training in 2012 at Union Theological College, Belfast.
After brief placements in Ballycarry, Greenisland and Downshire congregations he was assigned to Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church as assistant Minister. He was there for 3 years, where he was faithfully mentored by Rev. Angus Stewart.
In November 2016 Jimmy accepted the call to High Street Presbyterian Church in Holywood, to start the next chapter of his life as an ordained Minister. He was ordained and installed on 27 January 2017, a great start to what would become a very memorable year as Jimmy married his fiancée Beth in July 2017.
Since joining High Street Presbyterian, Jimmy and Beth have seen their family grow, as they welcomed their son Jacob into the world in December 2020, followed by Micah in April 2023.
Our Assistant Minister is Jack Neilly.
Our church is led by a Kirk Session of 10 elders which includes the minister. Our elders seek to lead the church in matters of faith and pastoral care, helping to set the vision of the congregation and seeking to follow God’s will for His church. Since the church is registered as a charity, the elders also act as charity trustees. Each elder is given a district to look after, consisting of members of the congregation, usually in a designated area.
Our church buildings and property are maintained and organised by our Congregational Committee. This committee is made up of 5 members, and is chaired by the minister. Each member has a different role that he or she has responsibility for. These roles include finance, property, health & safety, and hall letting.
We also have a few staff members who work on a part time basis within our congregation. Our office administrator is Victoria Reid who works most mornings in the church office and keeps us operating effectively; our organist Beth Maginnes is responsible for leading praise in our Sunday morning worship services; our caretaker Alan Best is responsible for the maintenance and security of our buildings; and Audrey Gordon runs our weekly Parent & Toddler group, which is has been thriving in recent years since her appointment.