As a church we have adopted 5 key principles that continually remind us of what we believe:

  1. CHRIST CENTRED – we seek to glorify Jesus and have him at the centre of everything we do.
  2. GOSPEL FOCUSED – we proclaim the truth that by nature we are sinners who reject God, but Jesus is our Saviour who has rescued us from our sin by dying on the cross.
  3. BIBLICALLY BASED – we believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God. We are formed by Scripture and not by societal patterns or worldly morality.
  4. SPIRIT LED – we worship the triune God – Father, Son and Spirit. We acknowledge the Holy Spirit as the one who convicts us of our sin, leading us to the cross where we find salvation in Christ, and we seek his guidance as we follow Christ in our everyday lives.
  5. MISSION MINDED – we desire to see unbelieving people become faithful followers of Jesus Christ.


Additionally, as part of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland we adhere to the theological statements in the Westminster Confession of Faith. This document contains core Christian beliefs that help as guideposts guarding against error.

We believe in one Godhead, comprising of three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Central to our belief is that Jesus of Nazareth is the son of God, who was sent into the world to save the world from their sins through his death on the cross and his resurrection to life. And through the power of the Holy Spirit, God draws us into relationship with him where we put our faith and hope in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, granting us the free gift of eternal life.

We believe that God made all men and women in his likeness and is not far from any of us if we truly seek him, for he seeks us.

We believe in God’s truth as expressed in his word, the bible, and when such truth is spoken with gentleness and humility, read or heard with openness, it opens the doors of our hearts for God to change us and bring us close to him to enjoy him and live for him.

We believe God calls us to be part of his family. Locally that family is called a church, where people help one another to know God better, and serve God by expressing his love to the wider community by friendship, help and care, and sharing their faith.

We believe in the baptism of children of believing parents.

We also agree with the central truths outlined by the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.