In the Gospels, Jesus called and developed a small group of people around him with whom he related closely. They were invited in to be with him; to watch, observe and learn from him. Like apprentices learning from their master. He taught and mentored this small group so that later they would continue his good work, spreading the news about him all over the land.

At HSPC, we recognise the importance of small groups of people meeting together regularly to help one another grow closer to God. These groups have fellowship with one another by gathering around God’s word together, reading, praying, and sharing hopes, concerns, and experiences along the way. Knowing how easy it is to become self-centred, growth groups aim to keep the door open and seek those outside of church life as well as those inside the church who desire closer fellowship.

Growth groups are a great place to learn what being in a church family means. They are a safe place to develop your gifts and strengthen your faith, so please consider coming along to one. If you would like to be part of a growth group, please speak to our minister or one of our elders and they will connect you in with whatever group fits best for you.

Existing growth groups meet as follows:

Monday 7.30pm Franklin & Heather Adair Church
Wednesday 10.30am Tim Bromley Church
Wednesday 7.30pm Jimmy & Beth Warburton Manse
Wednesday 7.30pm Aubrey & Rosey Bell Bell’s Home