This series from January – April 2022 was all about church life. We wanted to spend some time considering the sort of church that God wants us to be. So by using various passages from Scripture, we looked at different priorities and attributes that God calls his church to have.
The series was shaped as follows:
- A Church That… Worships // John 4: 13 – 24
- A Church That… is Christ-Centred // Colossians 1: 15 – 23
- A Church That… is Spirit-led // John 14: 12 – 27
- A Church That… Preaches Truth // 1 Corinthians 1 & 2
- A Church That… Prays // Luke 11: 1 – 13
- A Church That… Makes Disciples // Ephesians 4: 11 – 16
- A Church That… Welcomes & Cares // Matthew 25: 31 – 46
- A Church That… Gives // Romans 12 & 2 Corinthians 9
- A Church That… Evangelises // Acts 28: 17 – 31